Margaret Anne Priorello Halwix

Profile Updated: December 12, 2008
Residing In: bridgeview, IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Bobby
Occupation: Self Employed
Children: Jacqueline born 1992
Cosmo born 1995
Victoria born 1995
Yes! Attending Reunion

I stumbled across this web site and was very suprised to see post about my brother Phil Priorello
It is hard to believe he has been gone 28 years...
he indeed was a special person his ability to make people laugh and put them at ease was one of his best traits.....
It is unreal that my brothers and I each have a child with his funny personality and sense of humor. when I watch my daughter, two nieces and one nephew display his awesome personality I have a hard time not shedding a tear ...mostly from laughing so hard .....
Billy Donahue, Billy Rawson Art Neff And all the others in his group I'd love to meet up for dinner with my Brothers ...It's been too long since weve seen u

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have no spare time ... I am invovled in many things that keep my day filled from 5 am till way past 12 midnight... I have 15 of the cutest little people to spend my every moment with
we go from volleyball, wrestling,bowling ,floor hockey scouts softball baseball horseback riding, ccd and enjoy spending family meals together every night throw in lots of homework and the day is done .

What type of person were you in high school?

A LOT of fun!

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Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 11:00 PM